For many conditions, such as lower back pain, chiropractic care is frequently the primary method of treatment. Chiropractors use a combination of treatments, all of which are predicated on the specific needs of the individual patient. After taking a complete history and diagnosing a patient, a chiropractor can develop and carry out a comprehensive treatment/management plan, recommend therapeutic exercise and other non-invasive therapies, and provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counselling.Where other conditions exist, chiropractic care may complement or support medical treatment by relieving the musculoskeletal aspects associated with the condition.
Chiropractic care may also be used to provide symptomatic relief for patients with chronic conditions. According to patient surveys, by treating the musculoskeletal elements of such disorders, chiropractic treatment has been shown to improve the general well-being of the patient.
Myofascial release technique is a state-of-the-art soft tissue movement-based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. It is a cutting-edge alternative medicine therapy that helps relax muscles, improve circulation, and improve stretch reflexes. Our chiropractors are certified MRT providers.
Adjunct modalities can be described as the application of mechanical and/or electrical forces to an area of the body in order to enhance its function and/or healing process. Modalities implemented at the[clinic] include, acupuncture, laser therapy, Ultra Sound (US), interferential current (IFC), vibration therapy, thermo/cryotherapy, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).
Low-level laser therapy is the application of red and near-infrared light over injuries or wounds to improve soft tissue healing and relieve both acute and chronic pain. Low level therapy uses cold (sub-thermal) laser light energy to direct bio-stimulative light energy to invigorate the body’s cells without injuring or damaging them in any way. The therapy is precise and accurate, offering safe and effective treatment for a wide variety of conditions.
- Your wellness is our goal!